Dear Andy,
As a resident of Dean Road I recently attended the South Craigs and Dean community council meeting where it was discussed with yourself and the other residents of the Dean Estate and South Craigs that we would compile a list of our concerns regarding the proposed new bridge over the Ford and submit them to yourself who in turn would then approach the council and roads departments for clarification on each point raised. I have also attached a word document from my fellow neighbour which he has sent to a number of councillors (who are copied in on this) and as I am aware the community council its self.
I would appreciate if we could have a reply back with regards to the attached issues and also the following issues in this email ASAP:-
1) It has been stated at the Ford "Exhibition" that was held recently in the Dean Park visitors centre that if the bottom 4 houses do not agree to having their gardens raised then a wall of 1.5m high will be built in front of them to "Protect" them from the traffic, this raised the question of access for emergency services which the reply we received was that they would have to access round the back of the houses. This would mean in the event of an emergency situation of any kind then members of Dean Road would need to give Bannockburn Place as the street to come to and then direct them to the relevant house? surely this is not only unacceptable but also against the law?
1A) Irrespective of emergency situation the access for all delivery vehicles, taxis etc will need to come round the back of the houses, this upsets not only myself but also the rest of the caring worried parents in the Dean Estate who's children play at the back and use the lane between No66 and No68 as access to the park as the traffic will greatly increase within this area, as it stands already we cannot let our children play near the front due to the traffic so it fills us with fear and despair of what issues for child safety the future holds.
2) Being a close friend of the Lauder family who still reside in Kilmarnock have they been consulted regarding the dismantle of their family heritage the Lauder Bridge, this is a integral part of Kilmarnock's history and a major part of the Dean Estate itself and to have it taken away after over 100 years in Kilmarnock is not only concerning but upsetting. I quote Mr Marshall who was at the exhibition "The Lauder family do not own it so it doesn't concern them" disrespectful and ignorant words from a member of Kilmarnock's council.
3) What other solutions have been looked at instead of a new bridge? has electronic gates, closing the Ford, cameras and actually managing the consequences for the idiots that cross it been considered?
4) As pretty as the new bridge looks as stated again to Mr Marshall this will be a breeding ground for Graffiti, Anti social behaviour and will drastically affect the prices of the residents house not only on the whole the Dean Road (Both Sides) but the whole Dean Estate itself. What precautions are the council doing to prevent such measures?
4A) I would like to draw your attention to a spate of Anti Social behaviour that took place with in the estate and on Dean Road in 2008 for a period of 5 months where cars were vandalised, houses broken into, people attacked, drink and drug use outside the houses and at the Ford, this happened also within the estate not just on Dean Road, I urge you please to contact Sergeant Jackson of Kilmarnock Police station who should have a record of these details, I myself made at least 80 - 110 phone calls to the police within that period and I am happy to contact my mobile provider for phone records if need be. I also know for a fact my neighbour and other members of the estate done the same. As I have stated in point 4 this is a breeding ground for this to happen again.
5) Will the new bridge bring with it a new 20mph speed limit for the whole of Dean Road.
6) It has been stated again by Mr Marshall that only the bottom 4 houses are effected by this because they directly require their gardens to be raised, I am both irate and concerned with regards to Mr Marshalls ignorance as I have been a member of Dean Road for 6 years now and many of my neighbours have resided there for 2 to 3 times as long. This effects us all we are a strong community who support each other where and when required, what has gone on in the last 4 months has been nothing short of bullying and underhand tactics where Mr Marshall has approached the bottom 4 houses and fed different information to each with out even so much as knocking on another member of the Dean Estates door never mind the Dean Roads. What is the legal standing for continuation of the bridge if the neighbours and community do not agree?
7) Apparently it was recorded that the Ford had 4500 cars go over it a day, I feel that these figures and how they were recorded electronically, visually etc should be made public and available to the community?
70A) At present the Ford has a weight limit of 7.5 Tonne which will be raised to 40 Tonne if the bridge goes ahead, we are deeply troubled by the amount of traffic and size of vehicles this may bring not just down Dean Road but also through South Dean Road, there is a vast number of Children who walk these roads daily to attend school, sports practice, the Dean Park, dog walking etc, as stated in point 7, 4500 cars a day currently with a limit of 7.5 Tonne going to a new bridge with a 40 Tonne limit, if you do the math from a safety point of view this is not reasonable practicable?
8) Mr Marshall says the bridge is part of a 10 year plan, what exactly is the 10 year plan?
9) What is the situation for traffic calming? and the prevention of noise pollution from the larger vehicles transporting good 24hrs a day.
10) Has anyone been approached and offered any compensation wither financial or other during these past 4 months or going forward?
Gentlemen this email has been submitted on behalf of the Dean Estate by myself only after numerous consultation with the residents of the Dean Estate, We would appreciate that each point raised in both my email and the attachment complied by my good Neighbour can be answered as clearly and honestly as possible, please understand we have taken a great time as a community to meet and gather our concerns to put to yourselves so please respect this in you reply.
Gareth Rowlands
Tanker Team Leader
Waste Water Operations
Prestwick Office
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